Risks Factors of addiction - Age and Personality
- Created by: Amber-Jade
- Created on: 10-04-13 10:28
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- Risk Factors for Addiction
- Personalilty
- Francis found link between addiction and high scores in neuroticism and psychoticism
- Cloniger - personality traits that predispose people to addiction: novelty seeking, harm avoidance, reward depence
- Takao - mobile phone addiction associated with low self-esteem and high self-monitoring
- Lack of causality - research on relationship between personality and addiction is correlational only
- Difficult to disentangle effects of personality on addiction form the effects of addiction on personality
- Belin et al, rat high in impulsiveness rather than sensation-seekers more likely to become addicted
- Weintraub et al supports the role of im pulsivity in addictionin humans rather than sensation-seeking
- Buckholtz et al claim addictions more rewarding for people with certain personality types because of hypersensitive dopamine response system
- Age
- Peer group has greater impact on smoking and drug use for young adolescents, but this wanes in later adolescents
- Romantic partners becomes increasingly important as an influence on health-related attitudes and behaviours
- Sensitive research - Lee suggests research in sensitive or illegal areas creates ethical particular issues
- Bad-science - poor 'research' used to seduce people into regarding all 'evidence' as fact
- Personalilty
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