Risks Factors of addiction - Stress and Peers
- Created by: Amber-Jade
- Created on: 10-04-13 10:09
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- Risk Factors For Addiction
- Peers
- Peer pressure - reason why adolescents start taking drugs or smoking and associated with increased levels of smoking
- Social learning theory - behaviours are learned through the observation of others and subsequent modelling of this behaviour
- Social identity theory - individuals adopt norms and behaviours that are central to the social identity of the group to which they belong
- SLT - research support eg exposure to peer models increases likelihood that teenagers begin smoking; social status and popularity instrumental in adolescents' smoking behaviour
- SIT - evidence supports claim that adolescents motivated to begin smoking because of the peer stereotypes they hold but little known about extent to which these groups influence members to smoke
- Stress
- Everyday stress - addiction associated with relieving anxiety. Stressors contribute to initiation and continuation of addictions, and to relapse
- Traumatic stress - people exposed to severe stress more vulnerable to addiction. PTSD also linked to addiction
- Addiction may sometimes reduce stress, eg smoking but this tends to be temporary
- Stress may create vulnerability in some but not all people. Cloniger suggested stress explains vulnerability in tyoe 1 but not type 2 alcoholics
- Peers
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