Favela-Bairro Project
- Created by: Jenny Jones
- Created on: 04-02-14 16:56
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- Rio De Janeiro, redevelopment (Favela- Bairro project) CASE STUDY
- £500 million spent on improving the living conditions of around 300 favelas
- Favela-Bairro roughly translates as "Shanty town to neighborhood"
- the project started in 1995 and has extremely successful
- it involves 255,000 people
- Social Improvements
- daycare centers and after school schemes to look after children while their parents work
- adult education classes to improve adult literacy
- services to help people affected by drug and alcohol addiction
- Economic Improvements
- residents can now legally own their properties
- training schemes help people to learn new skills so they can find better jobs and earn more
- Environmental Improvements
- replacement of wooden buildings with brick buildings
- removal of homes on dangerously steep slopes
- widening and paving of streets so allow easier access (especially for emergency services)
- provision of basic services such as clean water, electricity and weekly rubbish collection
- Community Invlolvement
- residents choose which improvements they want in their own favela
- the new services are staffed by residents, providing income and helping them to learn new skills