Right realist solutions to crime
- Created by: _miagarnett
- Created on: 02-01-17 13:49
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- Right Realist Solutions to Crime
- Zero Tolerance Policy- The idea of zero tolerance is that by proceeding against minor offences, the police will discourage the people in a locality from moving on to more serious crimes
- Right realists encourage the use of CCTV, Neighbourhood Watch Schemes, security companies, walled Communities and citizenship education. They believe it is the individuals responsibility not to become a victim of crime.
- However, it could be argued that Informal control measures, such as CCTV and Neighbourhood Watch seem to displace crime rather than discourage it.
- They also want to see a major reform in sentencing as they believe that far too many sentences are too lenient and all but encourage crime as they do not act as a deterrent.
- Furthermore, it has been argued, that Right Realists are not interested in corporate crime, white-collar crime, political crime, or state crime. Right realists focus on young males and street crime
- Traditional family values are vital they argue and that includes children being brought up in a traditional family setting. They believe that schools should continue to hammer home to pupils the importance of citizenship.
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