Right Realism over view
- Created by: workinghard
- Created on: 26-11-16 18:36
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- Right Realist. Opinions on crime.
- Rational choice and opportunity - Criminals see if the benefit of the crime outweigh the disadvantage.
- Cornish and Clarke.
- Murray
- Poor community control -Underclass is to blame for most crime. This is because they lack responsibility, and respect for authority.
- People are naturally selfish - it is peoples natural personality to want to cut corners.
- Crime will always exist
- They criticise marxist and left realists by saying its pointless trying to explain the social causes of crime. Right realists want to reduce its impact.
- Crime will always exist
- Value consensus and shared morality are the foundations of society. Criminals breech this.
- Rational choice and opportunity - Criminals see if the benefit of the crime outweigh the disadvantage.
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