- Created by: Rajas12
- Created on: 01-05-20 15:02
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- Development around the world
- GDP=this is a measure of how much money per person in the country earns depending on products sold per year. This is a measure of economic growth
- HDI=This covers up a lot of things such as literacy rate which the higher it the more educated the country is. The happiness in people's life and how the live as well as how corrupted the government is. The higher the HDI the more developed the country is.
- Factors:There are several factors such as a high corruption rate and lack of education in society for women's rights which slow the growth of a country
- Uneven development patterns:There is clearly a pattern which is about having fertile land and no history of colonisation. This has an impact because it makes the country grow slowly instead of taking big steps
- There is uneven development in the UK as well. There is a difference between the countryside farmer housing and the urbanised city housing as well as the costs
- Malawi is a landlocked country in southeastern Africa bordered by Mozambique and Zambia. It has a economy on tobacco and some agriculture
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