Reverse Polish Notation
- Created by: 043481
- Created on: 02-05-14 09:12
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- Reverse Polish Notation
- Method of writing mathematical expressions without brackets.
- This done by placing the operator after the operand.
- Also known as post-fix noation
- This done by placing the operator after the operand.
- Adding two numbers is written as A+B, this is infix notation.
- To multiply the result by two, we'd write 2*(A+B)
- In reverse polish notation this would be AB+2*
- In reverse polish notation this would be AB+
- To multiply the result by two, we'd write 2*(A+B)
- Binary trees can be used to convert between the different notations.
- Using in-order traversal will result in normal, infix notation.
- Post order traversal is used to get reverse polish notation.
- By highlighting each major part of an expression, in the order it is calculated, a binary tree can be made.
- Using in-order traversal will result in normal, infix notation.
- Stacks can be used to evaluate expressions.
- 1. Read expression from left to right.
- 2. If a number is encountered, push onto the stack.
- 3. If an operator is encountered, pop two numbers from the stack and carry out the operation.
- 4. Push the result of the operation on to the stack.
- 5. End if last item in the expression.
- 4. Push the result of the operation on to the stack.
- 3. If an operator is encountered, pop two numbers from the stack and carry out the operation.
- 2. If a number is encountered, push onto the stack.
- 1. Read expression from left to right.
- What are the advantages?
- Brackets are not needed.
- They can be solved using stacks.
- Binary trees are important, as reverse polish notation can be gained.
- Important in Computing as expressions written in it are unambiguous.
- Method of writing mathematical expressions without brackets.
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