responses to climate change

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  • Response to Climate Change
    • Local Scale Responses
      • Schools
        • Livesimply
          • Provides resources for schools to make students think about the environment and sustainability
          • Was initiated by the Catholic Church
        • Schools are introducing water and central heating systems which are sustainable for example wind turbines and solar panels.
      • Local Councils
        • UK's target = cur carbon emissions by 20% of 1990 levels by 2020
          • Gov, gave £4m to Local Councils to use to cut carbon emissions from homes
            • 15% of UK's carbon emissions are from homes
            • Local Councils introduced small as well as complicated schemes
              • Small Scheme: giving away free low energy light bulbs
      • Local Interest Groups
        • "Manchester is my planet"
          • Encourages individuals to reduce their carbon footprint and become involved in a number of green energy projects
          • works with the local council
          • There are now +20,000 people wgi have pledged to work towards a low carbon future
          • Green Badge Parking Permit
            • People with low carbon emitting cars can apply for a GBPP so they can buy annual parking permits for NCP car parks within Greater Manchester for 25% off.
    • Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs)
      • Are focusing their campaigns against climate change on the use of fossil fuels
        • They try to convince governments to produce energy in a sustainable way
          • E.G. Greenpeace
            • Has a number of solutions on their website
            • "Greenpeace quit coal" initiatice aims to reduce CO2 emissions and preserve the environmen
              • CCS (carbon, capture, storage) - absorb carbon emissions and store underground BUT technology is not available for another 20 years
                • Why? Because coal fired power plants are the biggest sources of CO2 emissions
    • Global Scale Responses - Global agreements between Nations
      • The United Nations provides a centre for discussion and decision making
        • In 1991: UN made first international environment treaty aiming to stabilise greenhouse gas emissions
          • This treaty lead to the Kyoto Protocol signed in 1997 and came into force in 2005
            • Countries that signed agreed to cut global greenhouse gas emissions by 5.2% compared with 1990 global levels
            • AND each country agreed on a limit of emissions: EU = 8% USA = 7% Japan = 6%
              • In order to achieve their targets, countries would either cut their emissions or buy carbon credits from each other. e,g, Iceland could sell 2% of its carbon credit to the EU in order to allow the EU to reach its target of 8%
            • By 2008 - 181 countries had signed the Kyoto Protocol
      • 2007 Bali Conference in Indonesia - representative of over 180 countries were present
        • Result = Bali Roadmap: initiatives were agree to try to reach a secure future climate


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