Respiratory Regulation
- Created by: Elise_parfitt
- Created on: 06-03-19 10:16
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- Respiratory Regulation (RCC)
- The Inspiratory Centre (IC)
- Stimulates inspiratory muscles to contract at rest and during exercise
- Chemoreceptors, thermoreceptors and proprioresceptors inform the IC.
- The IC recruits the additional respiratory muscles, stermocleidomastoid and pectoralis minor, to contract.
- The Expiratory Centre (EC)
- Inactive at rest, but will stimulate additional expiratory muscles to contract during exercise
- Barorecpetors inform the EC on the extent of lung inflation
- The EC stimulates additional expiratory muscles, internal intercoastals and rectus abdominis, to contract
- Respiratory Regulation At Rest
- At rest, the IC is responsible for the rhythmic cycle of breathing
- Nerve inpulses are generated and stimulate the inspiratory muscles causing them to contract, via the:
- Intercoastal nerve to the external intercoastals and the phrenic nerve to the diaphragm
- This causes the thoaric cavity volume to be increases, lowering the lung air pressure. lungs recoil causing a passive expiration.
- Intercoastal nerve to the external intercoastals and the phrenic nerve to the diaphragm
- The EC is inactive at rest as expiration is a passive process
- Respiratory Regulation During Exercise
- The RCC is chemosensitive and very receptive to chemical information
- Chemoreceptors located in the aorta and carotid arteries pick up an increase in blood acidity, increase in CO2 concentration and decrease in O2 concentration
- Neural Stimuli
- Thermoreceptors inform of an increased blood temperature
- Proprioceptors inform of motor activity in the muscles and joints
- Baroreceptors, located in the lung tissue and bronchioles, inform of the state of lung inflation
- The RCC is chemosensitive and very receptive to chemical information
- As exercise intensity increases, the combination of the IC and EC control leads to an increased breathing rate and decreased breathing depth to maximise efficient respiration
- The Inspiratory Centre (IC)
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