Researcher Reflections Space
- Created by: Gianmarco
- Created on: 14-04-20 14:45
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- ICT Sector Worldwide
- Trends
- General upward ICT growth trend driven by mobile services while fixed-telephone lines continue a long term decline.
- Broadband services are at the forefront of growth and mobile-broadband is providing the quickest access in developing nations.
- Producvity and potential depend on the populations skill to use these services.
- Companies have shifted from being stated owned to highly competitive oligopolies - greater efficiency better prices and increased quality of services
- Definition: Telecom is all transmission, emission or reception of signals carrying info of any nature by electromagnetic systems.
- Characterized by large infrastructure investmentd
- Increases i productivity lead to major economic impacts.
- Provides opportunity to "leap frog" economically
- Trends
- Initial research question: How has the introduction of mobile date in late 2018 has resulted in an expansion of the market for internet during 2019.
- Current:How has the introduction of mobile data in late 2018 affected the expansion of the market from 2015 to 2019.
- Focus on the 4 year period and look at how internet has been introduced along the way.
- What does Expansion look like?: Better qualityMore penetration( provide services to more areas)More variety of services
- Government has recognized expansion is impossible without proper infrastructure and that much more investment is needed.
- Infrastructure measured in the amount of radiostations.
- Mainly supply related*
- Government has recognized expansion is impossible without proper infrastructure and that much more investment is needed.
- Current:How has the introduction of mobile data in late 2018 affected the expansion of the market from 2015 to 2019.
- Economic concepts have to be sprawled throughout the essay. OPP COST
- Compare the theory to real life(cuba is atypical)
- Intro: Economical context of Cuba (transition from planned to mix economy)Relevance and importance of the ICT sector.Political willingness to increase the sector
- Increase in productivity Connected industries and economy as a whole
- Initial research question: How has the introduction of mobile date in late 2018 has resulted in an expansion of the market for internet during 2019.
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