American scandals 1865-1890
- Created by: Eth01
- Created on: 24-05-24 10:48
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- gold ring scandal 1869
- occurred under the presidency of and Andrew Jhonson
- led to to black friday when the government in trying to stop the scandal sold off tonnes of gold leading to an economic panic
- run by Jay Gould and Jim Fisk who bought up large amounts of gold in order to push the price up when it rose enough they would sell it at large profit
- relied on the government to hold onto its gold as the sale of it would push the price down making the ring unprofitable
- was found out that grants sister was involved in the scandal
- American Scandals 1865-1890
- whiskey ring scandal 1875
- happened under ulysess S Grant
- a group of whiskey distillers conspired to defraud gov of taxes by bribing revenues officials
- alleged that officials within Washington were involved
- whiskey ring scandal 1875
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