EL Othello Reputation
- Created by: amicooper
- Created on: 25-04-17 18:30
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- Reputation
- Iago destroys Othello's public reputation as well as his personal one
- Lodovico expresses shock and questions Othello's reputation as the 'noble moor', whose nature 'passion could not shake'
- Cassio exlaims 'Reputation, reputation, reputation! Oh, I have lost my reputation!' to Iago following his drunken fight
- Perhaps Othello's reputation is ruined by his inability to balance occupation with love
- Iago reassures Desdemona that Othello is troubled by some 'business of state'
- Othello's reputation is ultimately ruined when he kills himself, meaning he will be eternally damned
- Iago destroys Othello's public reputation as well as his personal one
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