Representation in music vids
- Created by: LunaShomeiRose
- Created on: 27-12-19 13:22
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- music videos
- easy access makes them competitive
- fans can strongly identify with singers + bands they feel represent them
- consider
- how artist is represented
- others represented
- how song promoted
- how audience expected to feel about what they hear/see
- common conventions
- pop
- attractive singers/ dancers
- colourful
- revealing costumes
- in studio / familiar setting
- dance routines
- eye contact with camera
- indie/folk
- focus on artist performance
- understated (subtle) costumes
- shows band playing instruments
- simple, low budget feel
- in countryside, street, warehouse
- rock
- focus on artists/ singer
- performance-based
- leather costumes
- low key lighting
- on stage/ unusual setting
- R&B
- sexualised images (shirtless men)
- colorful costumes
- symbols of wealth (gold Jewry/cars)
- at studio/ nightclub/ house party
- pop
- style effects
- narrative: linear (tells story that may/may not relate to lyrics / feature artist)
- emotionally engages viewer to story. song becomes associated with story + feelings provoked
- narrative: fragmented (tells story in parts / not in order. include clips from film being promoted)
- viewer hooked in story + wants to watch film
- performance (band/singer shown preparing + performing on stage/ studio. may be dancers)
- represents band/singer as authentic, popular, talented musician. suggests lives = worth attending
- mixed (narrative vid commonly cuts to artist performing)
- reminded narrative = inspired by song - viewers expected to view vid as entertainment, not reality
- cameo (artist in narrative, but doesn't participate in story)
- artist presented as separate from vid
- animation (carton/stop motion/ computer-generated images)
- more memorable. showcases latest tech. + sugggests artist = cutting edge
- narrative: linear (tells story that may/may not relate to lyrics / feature artist)
- easy access makes them competitive
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