- Created by: abipritchard
- Created on: 17-05-16 18:26
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- Reneissance
- Healers
- Ambroise Pare
- Surgeons
- Andreas Vesalius
- William Harvey
- Surgery
- New methods of treating gun wounds
- Blood Letting - Harvey challenged this
- Methods used to reduce bleeding in amputations by pulling out and tying off veins and arteries
- Anatomy
- Church now allowed human dissection
- Harvey discovered that blood circulated around the body
- Fixed amount of blood in body
- Ideas about disease
- Harvey's theory that blood circulated around the body
- Treatments, prevention and cures
- New method for amputation to tie off veins and arteries
- Treated gun wounds
- Amputations - burnt with red hot iron to stop bleeding
- Not serious - filled with boiling oil to stop bleeding
- Healers
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