Religious response to atheism
- Created by: Olivia
- Created on: 18-03-14 09:28
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- Religious responses to atheism
- Response to atheism
- BB theory and evolution don't deny God
- Science can explain how world is created and functions BUT doesn't get rid of the possibilty God is behind these events
- Rel explains why conditions first came about where big bang was able to happen
- Response to empiricism
- Physical existence of earth and level of design= empirical evidence for creator and designer
- Rel exp= empirical evidence eg. stigmata
- Ray Billington- sense exp can't account for all human beliefts
- Rel truths can be assessed by awareness that goes beyond the bounds of the senses
- Response to problem of evil
- Free Will= sufficient reason for why God lets evil continue
- St Augustine- evil has come from human misuse of FW and it continues as a consequence of rebellion against God
- Irenaeus- evil= unavoidable risk of giving humans free will
- Hick- if God wanted humans to be genuinly loving he wouldn't create them to always do good=robots= freedom to develop quality themselves.
- Our world= created for the purpose of soul making
- Response to Moral Absolutes
- We have to bring about more loving consequence= no acts can be right or wrong
- Not all atheists reject MA. eg. not intentially killing innocent people must always be obeyed
- Response to Religious Pluralism
- Hick- all rels are equally valid and effective
- Surely one religion must be correct
- Key beliefs and practises= different. BUT all agree things about this world can't be directly assessed by humans
- Response to atheism
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