Religious and Secular ideas about the Nature and Value of human life
- Created by: Megan
- Created on: 30-04-15 15:42
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- Religious and Secular ideas about the Nature & Value of human life
- Christian
- Should love God and Neighbours as themselves
- Divine destiny to serve God
- 10 Commandments
- Salvation makes humans valuable
- Revelation/Parable of the Sheep and Goats
- Not through appearance but because they have a conscience and rational thought
- Genesis - God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life
- Not through appearance but because they have a conscience and rational thought
- Against killing as humans are created in God's image. Murder is also prohibited in Edoxus (commandments)
- Sometimes even killing in legitimate situations such as war is prohibited - known as Pacifism
- Buddhist
- Being born as a human is the greatest honour
- Allows you to live a life where you have the ability to reach Nirvana and eventually Enlightenment
- The 8 fold path gives instructions on how to be a good human/Have a good nature
- As a human you are born close to the pivot of suffering and happiness.
- Humans have a unique capacity for making moral choices
- Don't see human life as sacred, however it is valuable
- Being born as a human is the greatest honour
- Humanist
- See humans as more advanced than other beings
- Humans a re rational - they can make ethical decisions based on reason, empathy, experience, concern and history
- Humans give meaning to their own lives by seeking happiness and helping others to do the same
- Human flourishing is dependent upon open communication, discussion and criticism
- Secular
- Mortal- We cannot survive bodily death
- Many ideas in society see humans by nature as selfish and they need to be taught not to be. This selfishness comes from evolution and survival of the fittest .
- Christian
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