Religious Pluralism and Theology
- Created by: Sailing26880
- Created on: 10-04-18 16:33
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- Religious Pluralism and Theology
- Exclusivism
- KRAMER - each religion has their own set of beliefs and cannot pick and choose what to follow - only Christians will be saved
- BARTH - 'theology of the word' WORD = Jesus, Bible, Church.
- One must believe in Jesus Christ as the early and human manifestation of God in order to reach salvation.
- D'COSTA - only those who have managed to hear Christ's Gospel on earth and have accepted his sacrifice will reach Heaven (restrictive access exclusivism)
- But will all be save eventually when we get to know God after death (universal access exclusivism)
- Inclusivism
- RAHNER - 'anonymous Christian' many people don't know they are living a christian life but are living one.
- Pluralism
- PANIKAR - religion is due to culture
- 'the unknown Christ in Hinduism
- HICK - Iranean Theodicy - different cultures and nature in the world so different world religions
- There are no elephants in Europe so there are no elephant God's in their religions.
- PANIKAR - religion is due to culture
- Exclusivism
- Pluralism - all faiths and religions provide a path to salvation
- Inclusivism - Christianity is the way to reach salvation but there may also be other ways
- Exclusivism - Christianity is exclusively the only way to reach salvation