Religious Pluralism and Society
- Created by: Sailing26880
- Created on: 10-04-18 15:14
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- Religious Pluralism and Society
- John Stewart Mill
- Liberty - Only legitimate reason to stop someone doing something is to stop someone harming someone else - The HARM PRINCIPLE
- Couple don't let Homosexual couple stay in their BnB due to Christianity
- Problems with an interfaith (pluralist) society
- Exclusivist - religion should be absolute and human law doesn't account for anything
- Absolute - applies to everyone in all situations
- Pluralist - religion is relative truth
- Social Cohesion - Society coming together
- Social cohesion has accelerated through inter faith dialogue and through things like extremism and terrorism
- How to deal with people who have different opinions to you, how do you draw the line of how to act
- John Stewart Mill
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