Religiosity and social groups
- Created by: chicalatina
- Created on: 25-03-14 10:10
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- Religiosity and social groups
- Gender
- In religion, men tend to lead dominant roles and women tend to participate more.
- Hoffman - woman are more religious as they are socialised to be passive/ obedient/ caring.
- Women are most likely to be in part-time jobs thus having time to organise religious activities.
- Davie - women are closer to birth/death as it brings them closer to 'ultimate questions' about the meaning of life where religion is concerned.
- New Age - appeals to women as they celebrate 'natural' and involve cults of healing, giving women higher status and self-worth.
- Glock, Stark and Bainbridge - people may participate in religon due to compensators, which is common among women.
- Organismic deprivation - women are more likely to suffer ill health thus seeking healing through religion.
- Ethical deprivation - women are morally conservative so they see the world in moral decline and attract sects that share this view.
- Social deprivation - more likely to be poor which is why there are more women in sects that attract poorer groups.
- Criticisms
- May be attracted to fundamentalism due to the certainties of traditional gender roles.
- Ethnicity
- More ethnic minority religions are becoming popular and have higher participation rates.
- Country of origin - most minorities originate from poorer countries with traditional culture, poducing higher levels of belief and practice which they maintain in UK.
- Several reasons: country of origin; cultural defence and transition.
- Cultural defence - religion offrs a ultural identity in a hostile environment.
- Bird - religion among minorities can be a basis for community solidarity to cope with oppression in a racist society.
- Cultural transition - religion is a means of easing the transition into a new culture with support and a sense of community.
- Herberg - high levels of religious participation where among first-generation immigrants in USA.
- Pryce - study of African Caribbean community in Bristol - cultural defence and transition are both important.
- Pentecostalism helped them adapt to British society via the protestant ethic effect. Rastafarianism was the oppsity as they saw society as racist and exploitative.
- Age
- General pattern is that the older you are the more likely to attend to church.
- But under 15s go because their parents tell them too, and over 65s can't due to sickness or disability.
- Voas and Corckett - the ageing affect; people turn to religion as they get older.
- Heelas - as we approach death we naturally become concerned with spiritual matters.
- Generational effect - society becomes more secular, each new generation is less religious.
- More old people than young people attend churches today as they grew up when religion was more popular.
- See this effect more significant as if this continues we expect a rise in the average age of churchgoers.
- Bruce agrees with exception of Pentecostal churches as they attract younger members.
- Gill - children are less religious as they are not receiving religious socialisation.
- Gender
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