Religion and Science
- Created by: Catherine
- Created on: 14-04-13 16:27
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- Religion and Science
- Origins of the world
- Cosmological
- Big bang
- world began in explosion of matter
- this matter eventually formed elements
- Evidence: the world is still expanding
- Big bang
- Evolutionary
- Origin of the Species by Charles Darwin
- all life originated from simple cells
- life evolved over millions of years into a variety of forms
- humans evolved from apes not Adam and Eve
- Disagrees with Biblical Teachings
- Origin of the Species by Charles Darwin
- Religious Arguments
- Christians believe God created everything
- Bible says this was in six days
- humans came from Adam and Eve
- Bible says this was in six days
- Creation story could be viewed as a parable
- or as symbolic description of gradual evolution
- so it is possible to believe in the bible and science
- or as symbolic description of gradual evolution
- In 1996 the RC Church accepted Big Bang Theory
- Christians believe God created everything
- Cosmological
- People and Animals
- God created humans to rule over animals
- but there are still issues such as
- Animal testing
- Factory farming
- Extinction because of humans
- Hunting
- Genetic modification
- zoos and circuses
- Vegetarianism
- Major issue is if animals have souls or not
- If they don't, humans are superior
- Genesis supports this: "Rule over the fish of the sea..."
- If they don't, humans are superior
- but there are still issues such as
- Everything is interdependant
- our treatment of animals reflects back on us
- Church of England
- medical and technological use of animals should be monitored in the light of ethnic principles
- Roman Catholic
- more likely to tolerate animal experimentation if it brings a definite benefit for humans
- Quakers
- Completely opposed to ill treatment of animals
- God created humans to rule over animals
- Environmental Issues
- Problems
- Devloped countries are the worst polluters of our planet
- Governemnt look for short term benefits rather than care for planet
- world's welfare put second
- Individuals can help the planet
- E.g. recycling, public transport etc
- Religious Ideas: Stewardship
- God put humans in charge of the Earth and expects us to care for it
- Christians must balance caring for the planet and providing for humans
- Christian Aid, TEAR Fund, CAFOD
- Problems
- Creationist beliefs
- A creationist
- rejects theory of evolution
- Believes each species was put here by God
- accepts micro evolution
- but rejects that one species can evolve into another
- Flat Earth Creationists
- literal view of Genesis
- Earth is flat and covered with a dome
- Few people believe this but a society exists
- Young Earth Creationist
- earth is between 6000 and 10000 years old
- made in 6 days
- nightfall on OCtober 23rd 4004BC
- A creationist
- Origins of the world
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