Religion and Philosophy Unit 2 (Religion and Prejudice)
- Created by: Prachanna
- Created on: 12-04-13 11:06
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- Religion and Prejudice
- Key words
- Prejudice- thinking badly of someone due to the group they belong to
- Discrimination- actions as a result of prejudice
- Positive Discrimination- treating someone more favourably than others as they have been discriminated in the past
- Stereotyping- having an over-simplified image of people then applying it to everyone of whom belongs to that group.
- Why are people prejudice
- Lack of education
- Media
- One bad experience
- Fear and uncertainty about the future
- Learn it from parents
- What religions teach and believe in
- Tolerance- respecting and accepting the beliefs, lifestyle of others
- Justice bringing about what is right , fair and according to law or making up for previous wrong doings
- Harmony- living in peace with others; religions will hate prejudice as it ruins the harmony against others
- Humans are as unique and important as others- God had created every human, for most religions belief
- Religion
- Christianity
- God created men and women in his own image; therefore everyone is all equal
- Je sus taught ' LOVE THY NEIGHBOUR' this refers to him helping anyone who needed help and whom ever asked
- "When foreigners reside among you in your land you should not mistreat them. The foreigners residing among you should be treated as your native-born"
- St. Paul said -- " So there is no difference between Jews and Gentiles, between slaves and free man, between men and women; you are all in union with Jesus Christ"
- Islam
- Equality is emphasised in the Qur'an-- all are equal in God's sight
- Allah does not look ate outward appearance but at people's hearts and their actions/deeds
- " All of you are descended from Adam. There is no superiority over an Arab over a non-Arab, neither for a white man or a black man" -- Prophet Mohammad's last teaching
- Hajj pilgrimage -- people live and pray together and wear the same clothes, during their time in Mecca. Malcolm X converted to a black supremacist after his Hajj pilgrimage
- Sikhism
- All men and women are equal as children of God
- God has no colour or form= wrong to discriminate
- In Gurdwaras all people are required to sit on the floor to show that they are equal
- Christianity
- Key words
- Ageism
- Types of prejudice
- Sexism
- Racism
- Social class
- Lifestyle
- Looks
- Disability
- Religion and Prejudice
- Key words
- Prejudice- thinking badly of someone due to the group they belong to
- Discrimination- actions as a result of prejudice
- Positive Discrimination- treating someone more favourably than others as they have been discriminated in the past
- Stereotyping- having an over-simplified image of people then applying it to everyone of whom belongs to that group.
- Why are people prejudice
- Lack of education
- Media
- One bad experience
- Fear and uncertainty about the future
- Learn it from parents
- What religions teach and believe in
- Tolerance- respecting and accepting the beliefs, lifestyle of others
- Justice bringing about what is right , fair and according to law or making up for previous wrong doings
- Harmony- living in peace with others; religions will hate prejudice as it ruins the harmony against others
- Humans are as unique and important as others- God had created every human, for most religions belief
- Religion
- Christianity
- God created men and women in his own image; therefore everyone is all equal
- Je sus taught ' LOVE THY NEIGHBOUR' this refers to him helping anyone who needed help and whom ever asked
- "When foreigners reside among you in your land you should not mistreat them. The foreigners residing among you should be treated as your native-born"
- St. Paul said -- " So there is no difference between Jews and Gentiles, between slaves and free man, between men and women; you are all in union with Jesus Christ"
- Islam
- Equality is emphasised in the Qur'an-- all are equal in God's sight
- Allah does not look ate outward appearance but at people's hearts and their actions/deeds
- " All of you are descended from Adam. There is no superiority over an Arab over a non-Arab, neither for a white man or a black man" -- Prophet Mohammad's last teaching
- Hajj pilgrimage -- people live and pray together and wear the same clothes, during their time in Mecca. Malcolm X converted to a black supremacist after his Hajj pilgrimage
- Sikhism
- All men and women are equal as children of God
- God has no colour or form= wrong to discriminate
- In Gurdwaras all people are required to sit on the floor to show that they are equal
- Christianity
- Key words
- Types of prejudice
- People responding to prejudice and discrimination
- In Britain there are laws in place to make discrimination illegal-( Sex discrimination act 1975, Equality Act 2006
- Martin Luther King- He was a peaceful protester to stop black segregation in America and did a famous speech in 1963-"I had a dream". He talked about how America had judged each other on their character not on their colour but he was assisnated in 1968
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