- Created by: nicolechalloner_
- Created on: 04-04-14 13:36
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- Religion
- Buddhism
- Buddhist monks fast
- Some buddhists only eat food from donation
- Only obtain food from donation
- Christianity
- Fasting sometimes observed
- Christmas food celebrates Jesus
- Hinduism
- Don't eat beef or pork
- Vegetarianism is encouraged
- Onions, garlic and alcohol may be avoided because they affect spiritualism
- Sometimes fast
- Islam
- Fast in daylight hours during Rammadam
- Haram foods are unlawful
- Pork, alcohol, foods with emulsifiers made from animal fats, frozen vegetables
- Rules set out in the Qur'an
- Halal food is lawful. Animals slaughtered in a ritual
- Judaism
- Kashrut are Jewish food laws
- No work is allowed on Saturdays
- Dairy cant be prepared in the same area
- Kosher foods are allowed
- Buddhism
- Food is given up for 40 days and 40 nights
- Christianity
- Fasting sometimes observed
- Christmas food celebrates Jesus
- Christianity
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