- Created by: LeeAdroit
- Created on: 23-05-17 10:15
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- Sociology: Religion
- Why Define Religion?
- Definition adopted will decide what should be examined as a religious phenomenon and what should not
- Berger- all religion serves as a sacred canopy for people
- Substantive Definitions
- Focus on the content or substance of religious belief
- Tylor- ‘belief in spiritual beings’
- Bruce- beliefs actions and institutions which assume the existence of supernatural entities with powers of action
- Criticised- ignores religious practices
- Widely accepted- conform to a widespread view of a religion as beliefs in God
- No room for beliefs and practices that do not involve belief in God- e.g. Amba’s belief in magic be seen as religious, western bias
- Definition provides broad understanding of religion
- Focus on the content or substance of religious belief
- Functional Definition
- Religion actually does and its benefit- focuses on the function of beliefs in society
- Assumption: religion is a product of society
- Contribution to society- binding through shared values
- Durkheim
- A unified system of beliefs and practices relatives to sacred things, that is to say, things set apart and forbidden- beliefs and practices which unite into one single moral community called a church all those who adhere them
- Yinger
- Religion is a system of beliefs and practices by means of which a group of people struggle with the ultimate problems of human life
- No bias against non-western religion, such as Buddhism as no direct mention of god
- Too broad- anti religious systems that contribute to understanding of society (Marxism)
- Scharf- ‘civil religion’ used to describe these types of belief systems (non-religious)
- Assumption: religion is useful and functional
- Polythetic Definition
- This approach identifies a number of factors that most religions share
- To qualify as a religion, a set of beliefs needs to in exhibit a number of these factors but not necessarily all of them
- Southworld- Religious facts
- A concern with godlike beings
- Concern with the sacred
- Focus on salvation
- Rituals and practices
- Beliefs based on faith
- Supernatural sanctions
- Mythology
- Sacred texts or oral traditions
- Priests or other religious elites
- Link with a moral community, church
- Not clear on how many of these factors need to be shared in order to form a religion
- Decisions of what to include in the list itself is a matter of judgement- who decides
- 5 Accepted Features of Religion
- Beliefs- in supernatural or in symbols which are regarded as sacre
- Theology- a set of teachings and beliefs- holy book
- Practice- rituals and ceremonies
- Institutions- organisation of worshippers, priests or religious leaders
- Consequences- moral or ethical values to influence everyday behaviours
- Why Define Religion?
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