Religion 1547-1603
- Created by: madeleineross
- Created on: 29-03-19 11:25
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- Religion 1547-1603
- Mary I
- Reinstate Catholic Doctrine
- Parliament met Oct 1553
- Passed First Act of Repeal (undid all religious legislation under Ed
- Second Act of Repeal Jan 1555 - abolished all legislation from 1529
- Made the Pope head of Church again
- Wanted better relationship with the Papacy
- Return of Cardinal Pole Nov 1554
- Wanted better relationship with the Papacy
- Couldn't restore monastic lands
- Made the Pope head of Church again
- Parliament met Oct 1553
- Break from Rome = sinful act
- Wanted better relationship with the Papacy
- Return of Cardinal Pole Nov 1554
- Wanted better relationship with the Papacy
- Sure that Protestantism lacked roots needed to survive
- Emphasis placed on training new priests and more supervision of parish priests
- 300 Protestants burnt at the stake
- Cranmer 21st March 1556
- Foxe's Book of Martyrs - Protestant propaganda
- Opposition strongest in South East
- Reinstate Catholic Doctrine
- Edward VI
- Somerset
- 1547-1549
- Reform faction in control of government
- Full-scale inquiry launched into CofE - stalling for time
- Parliament met Nov 1547 - Treason Act repealed Six Articles & heresy laws that restricted debate
- Chantries Act - abolished Chantries to raise money for Scottish war
- Full-scale inquiry launched into CofE - stalling for time
- Protestants in exile began to return
- Relaxation of press censorship - writings of Luther and Calvin
- 1549 Act of Uniformity
- Cranmer introduced new Book of Prayer - very vague
- Dismantled obstacles to change erected by conservatives in 1530s
- Cranmer introduced new Book of Prayer - very vague
- Northumberland
- Very Protestant
- Reformers continued to come to England - some very extreme
- By 1553 CofE definitely Protestant
- However, government and structure of church remained the same
- Somerset
- Mary I
- 1552 Prayer Book - removed Catholicism
- 1553 instructions sent to Bishops - altars replaced by communion tables
- No vestements
- Attack on church wealth only just begun when Ed died
- Treason Act - offence to question Royal Supremacy
- Jan 1552 - Parliament assembled
- Northumberland
- Very Protestant
- Reformers continued to come to England - some very extreme
- By 1553 CofE definitely Protestant
- However, government and structure of church remained the same
- The Second Act of Uniformity - must attend services on pain of prison/fine
- Northumberland
- Jan 1552 - Parliament assembled
- 42 Articles 1553 listed doctrines
- 1553 instructions sent to Bishops - altars replaced by communion tables
- arrival of Catholic Priests - mid-1570s - 1st 4 1574
- more than 100 by 1590s
- Douai seminary founded Netherlands William Allen
- 1580s - jesuits
- several priests executed for denying royal supremacy
- Campion executed 1581
- Act of Parliament 1581 - agreed to 'retain ... subjects in their due obedience'
- 1603 10% had catholic tendencies - 2% active recusants
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