Reliance on fossil fuels
- Created by: Aimee978
- Created on: 13-11-17 11:58
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- Reliance on fossil fuels
- Greenpeace
- Stop climate change
- Save the Arctic
- Protect forests
- Defend oceans
- Gazprom
- Global energy company
- Production of gas, oil, heat and electric
- Gas Exploration in Arctic
- Arctic is suspected to contain a wealth of materials, yet to be used up
- Ichthys Project, Australia
- Represents largest discovery of hydrocarbon liquids
- One of the most significant oil and gas companies globally
- Exxon Valdez oil spill
- March 24th 1989, 10.8 million gallons of crude oil spilt
- Destroyed wildlife and habitats
- Fracking
- Used for hydraulic fracturing: shale gas extracted by water
- Canadian Tar Sands
- Large deposits of extremely heavy crude oil- Alberta, Canada
- Greenpeace
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