Relationships Case Studies
simlified view of case studies
- Created by: Ollie Short (momo)
- Created on: 14-01-13 21:59
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- Relationships
- Effects of early experience and culture
- Culture
- Levine
- Myers
- Moore and Leung
- Childhood
- Simpson
- Bowlby
- Van der Kolk and Fisler
- Culture
- Human Reproductive Behaviour
- Sex Differences in Parental Investment
- Baker and Bellis
- Trivers
- Geher
- Sexual Selection
- Darwin
- Buss
- Short
- Clarke and Hatfield
- Sex Differences in Parental Investment
- Romantic Relationships
- Maintenance
- Social Exchange Theory
- Equity Theory
- Walster
- De Maris
- Formation
- Caspi and Herbener
- Byrne and Clore
- Sheldon
- Breakdown
- Lee
- Akert
- Maintenance
- Effects of early experience and culture
- Trivers
- Geher
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