Refugee movement to the EU

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  • Refugee movement to the EU
    • Description of the movement
      • EU states make a clear distinction between asylum seekers and refugees; an asylum seeker is a person submitting a refugee request, they are not granted refugee status until they qualify a legal process.
      • Asylum seekers are people who are at risk if they stay in their own country and they become refugees when they settle into another country.
      • One of the largest refugee movements migrating to the EU are from Iraq as 2 million Iraqis have already left their country, however not all have moved to the EU.
      • There are approximately 1.5 million recognised refugees living in the 27 EU states plus Norway and Sweden.
      • Asylum seekers in the EU come from crisis areas such as Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya.
    • Positive impacts
      • Refugees manage to escape from war, extreme poverty and other horrific situations.
      • Countries with strong economies such as Germany, France and the UK are capable to support refugees.
      • Sweden is very generous to refugees and supports more than 70000 Iraqis.
    • Negative impacts
      • In the source country, the population decreases which has associated problems.
      • The refugee movement creates a negative image for the source area as huge quantities of people are fleeing.
      • Some refugees are forced to return home and are put under risk due to the threats in their home country.
      • The UN have suggested that the EU are not doing enough to help genuine refugees due to confusion regarding the authenticity of refugees. Governments are also under pressure to introduce more restrictive asylum policies.
      • With all migrant populations there are associated  problems such as strain on services and lack of housing, this applies to refugee populations too.
      • Thousands have minors have been separated from their families or have been orphaned.  This puts great strains on child care services in the receiving countries.


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