Reductionist approach mindmap
- Created by: jayde.zoe2000
- Created on: 29-11-18 11:19
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- Reductionist approach
- Def- The belief that human behaviour is best explained by breaking it down in to smaller parts.
- Simplism is the best way to explain our decisions and the actions we make
- Reduce any complex baby down to a set of variables that show a cause and effect.
- Simplism is the best way to explain our decisions and the actions we make
- Based on the scientific assumption of parsimony
- Any complex phenomena should be explained using the most simple concepts
- Any behaviours or mental processes can be explained using science.
- Types of approaches that are reductionist: Biological, behaviourism, cognitive
- Reductionism works at different levels
- Lowest level is merely psychological explanation
- Some argue that this approach lacks validity
- Being a reductionist does not mean you can measure feeling
- For it to be scientific it needs to be measureable
- It also does not explain certain behaviours we have
- It is better at answering smaller questions like why we recognise faces but not explaining things like attraction
- It can lead to incomplete explanations
- Def- The belief that human behaviour is best explained by breaking it down in to smaller parts.
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