Addiction - Reducing Addictive Behaviour
- Created by: Amber-Jade
- Created on: 10-04-13 13:28
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- Reducing Addictive Behaviour - Theory of Planned Behaviour
- Evaluation
- Fails to take into account irrational determinants of behaviour
- Ignores other factors eg. identification with peers. Klag suggests self-determination theory preferable
- Distinction between behavioural intention and behavioural expectation
- TPB explains intention formation rather than processes involved in translating intention into action
- Distinction made between motivational phase and post-decisional phase
- Alcohol or drugs can produce discrepancy between intention and actual behaviour
- Perceived behaviour control more important when associated with performance of a task
- Self-report techniques subject to self-representational biases. Questionnaires are poor
- TPB research mostly correlational - not clear that behavioural attitudes have caused change
- AO1
- Behaviour directly predicted by intention to engage
- Behavioural attitude - formed on basis of beliefs about consequences of performing behaviour
- Subjective norms = injunctive norm + descriptive norm
- Perceived behavioural control acts either on intention to behave, or directly on behaviour
- ONDCP - effectiveness of campaign attribute to its influence on attitudes
- Exposure to accurate statistical information corrects subjective norms
- Perceived behavioural control most important predictor for giving up smoking
- Self-efficacy - important in relapse prevention programmes
- Webb et al - Internet interventions based on TPB had greater success
- White et al - TPB predictors significant in sun protection intentions and behaviour
- Evaluation
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