reaons for war
- Created by: noodles.07
- Created on: 22-10-22 09:19
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- reasons for war
- Islam
- the Qur'an warns against greed
- "God does not like arrogant, boastful people"
- many major oil-producing countries are governed according to muslim shari'ah law so any disagreement based on oil can turn into a conflict that can be interpreted as including a religious element
- Qur'an permits fighting in self defence, but muslims are unlikely to agree to it unless other ways of solving the problem have been attempted and failed
- "those who have been attacked are permitted to take up arms"
- Muslims believe that God knows that there is a human need for justice to protect human lives and prevent the repetition of wrongdoing in society
- however the Qur'an and hadith teach that forgiveness is always the best response in order to avoid bloodshed
- "if you have to respond to an attack, make your response proportionate, but it is bend to stand fast"
- but retaliation in war must be measured - torture and mutilation are strictly forbidden under islamic law
- God offers innumerable rewards for those who choose reconciliation over retaliation
- "if a person is patient and forgives, this is one of the greatest things"
- God offers innumerable rewards for those who choose reconciliation over retaliation
- however the Qur'an and hadith teach that forgiveness is always the best response in order to avoid bloodshed
- the Qur'an warns against greed
- UK supports self defence - Uk defended itself against Nazi invasion during ww2 - to defeat what they saw as evil
- Christianity
- Christianity warns against greed
- "for the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil"
- self defence is allowed if all other ways of solving the problem have been attempted and failed
- "do not repay anyone evil for evil"
- "if anyone slays you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also"
- when jesus was asked about retaliation - christians attempt to follow this - but it is difficult when it comes to war
- Christianity warns against greed
- 9/11 - terrorists from al-Qaeda hijacked 4 passenger aircrafts - 2 flew into twin towers of world trade centre, and 1 flew into pentagon - 2996 killed
- Islam
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