Reaching a Verdict
- Created by: mopsy_96
- Created on: 13-03-14 19:45
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- Reaching A Verdict
- Pennington and Hastie 1988
- Memory structure on judgement
- Cutler et al. 1989
- Expert Witness on jury perception of eyewitness testimony
- Pickel 1995
- Effect of instructions to disregard inadmissible evidence
- Castellow et al. 1990
- Physical attractiveness on Jury Vericts
- Penrod and Cutler 1995
- Effect of witness confidence on jurors assessment on eyewitness evidence
- Ross et al. 1994
- Protective shields amd videotape on conviction rates
- Hastie et al. 1983
- Stages and Influence on decision making
- Asch 1955
- Majority Influence and Conformity
- Nemeth and Wachtler
- Influence on perceived autonomy on minority influence
- Pennington and Hastie 1988
- Witness Appeal
- Persuading a Jury
- Reaching a Verdict
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