RE: Philosophy 1
- Created by: planetary
- Created on: 23-05-15 14:38
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- RE: Philosophy 1
- Religious and Spiritual Experience
- Worship is Public and Private
- Act of respect or Devotion to God
- Public: In a Holy Building (Church, Cathedral)
- Private: Daily, Regular private prats
- Bring Closer To God
- Symbolism
- Covey a Deeper Meaning
- Visual Reminders & Feel Closer to God
- Image or Picture with deeper meaning
- The Crucifix, The Cross, The Fish
- Art and Music
- Hymns, Gospel, Sing Prayers
- Stained Glass Windows in Church
- Famous Paintings (Last Supper)
- Worship is Public and Private
- Belief About Deity
- Believe in ONE God - Monotheism
- Created Everything
- Something cannot come from nothing
- Nothing Greater
- Morals from God
- Background and Upbringing
- Created Everything
- God can be understood in THREE different ways
- Doctrine of the Trinity
- The Father. The Son. The Holy Spirit.
- Doctrine of the Trinity
- Experience God in Different Ways
- Through Prayer
- Through Miracles
- Old Testement (Moses, Red Sea)
- New Testement (Jesusu)
- Present (Lourdes)
- Believe in ONE God - Monotheism
- The End of Life
- Body and Soul
- Soul is not physical
- Lives on (Eternal)
- Relates to God
- Unique
- Soul is not physical
- Death is not the End
- Heaven
- Purgatory
- Hell
- The Judge
- God is the only judge of humanity
- Judges at the end of life
- Funeral Rites
- Customs and Ceremony
- Very Important - Help with Grief & loss
- Body and Soul
- Religious and Spiritual Experience