RE -- Good and Evil (Treatment of criminals and work of prison reformers)

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  • RE -- Good and Evil (Treatment of criminals and work of prison reformers)
    • “Prisoners riot over poor treatment and overcrowding”
    • There have been concerns over how prisoners are treated.
      • There are different ideas on how prisoners should be treated based upon their views on aims of punishment
    • If people believe that the aim of punishment is reformation
      • This leads to the belief that the treatment that prisoners receive should enable them to address the root cause of their criminality and equip them for life as a responsible citizen
    • Some argue that the impact of poor prison conditions can be seen in the rise in rates of assault, self-harm and suicide among inmates
    • The government recently spoke of plans to overhaul the prison system and to view prisoners as “potential assets, not liabilities”
    • Reformer
      • Someone who lobbies or pressurises for change
    • Quaker
      • A christian denomination whose central belief is that every human being contains a reflection of the image of God
    • Prison reformer
      • They lobby for change
      • Eg/ John Howard who was a committed Calvinist (protestant) and lobbied for change with Parliament
      • Eg/ Elizabeth Fry (Quaker), dedicated life to improving conditions. Nineteenth-century.
    • Chaplains
      • Ministers (such as priests, pastors etc)
      • Attached to non-religious institutions such as schools, hospitals, prisons etc
      • Their job is to provide 'pastoral' care
      • They provide counselling to inmates, supporting them through rehabilitation
      • They often help prisoners re-enter the community
      • Don't have to be religious, eg/ Humanist project, Humanist pastoral support since 2011 in Winchester
    • "You are there primarily for the inmates.  Most offenders are also victims. This doesn't mean we feel sorry for them; but we do offer them enough compassion "
    • “Through my work as chaplain I am following Jesus’ commands -- I am showing compassion, love and kindness”


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