Rates and Energy
- Created by: Jenny
- Created on: 25-11-12 15:54
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- Rates and Energy
- C2 4.1 How Fast?
- Rate of reaction = amount of reactiant used __________ time
- Rate of reaction = amount of reactant formed __________ time
- C2 4.2 Collision Theory and Surface Area
- Activation Energy
- The minimum amount of energy that particles must have in order to react
- Surface Area
- The greater the surface, the faster the rate or reaction
- The frequency of collisions between reacting particles increase
- Activation Energy
- C2 4.3 The Effect of Temperature
- Reactions happen quicker as the temperature increases
- particles collide more frequently and more energetically
- More collisionsresult in a reaction because a higher proportion of particles have energy greater thatn the activation energy
- C2 4.4 The Effect of Temperature and Pressure
- Increasing concentration increases frequency of collisions between particles
- Increases the rate of reaction
- Increasing the pressure of reacting gases increases the frequency of collisions
- Increases the rate of reaction
- Increasing concentration increases frequency of collisions between particles
- C2 4.5 The Effect of Catalyst
- Catalysts spee up the rate of reaction
- Not used up in the reaction
- Different catalysts are used for different reactions
- C2 4.7 Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions
- Exothermic
- Energy is transferred FROM the reacting substances TO their surroundings
- Endothermic
- Energy is transferred TO the reacting substances FROM their surroundings
- Exothermic
- C2 4.8 Energy and Reversible Reaction
- One reaction is exothermic, the other is endothermic
- Energy is exactly equal in both directions of the reaction
- C2 4.1 How Fast?
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