Geography Mindmap
- Created by: Beswick26
- Created on: 08-02-16 18:48
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- The Holderness Coast
- Cliff erosion and collapse
- The area is under threat because the coast receives a lot of destructive waves from the North Sea.
- The area is made of boulder clay, a soft material of clay and sand deposited in the Ice Age
- Coastal Management
- Hard Engineering
- Wooden Groynes (stops moving sediment)
- + Builds bigger beaches
- - Causes erosion further along the coast
- Sea walls
- + Tourists can walk along them
- - Cost £3k per m
- Rock armour (waves hit the rock armour and not the cliff)
- Untitled
- Untitled
- Wooden Groynes (stops moving sediment)
- Soft Engineering
- Dune regneration
- Beach nourishment
- Hard Engineering
- Cliff erosion and collapse
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