- Created by: lucie150699
- Created on: 15-05-15 12:14
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- Radiation
- Background radiation
- Radom and Thoron
- Gamma rays from rocks
- Cosmic Rays
- Medical
- The Body
- Industry
- Fallout
- Alpha Radiation
- Low penertation power
- It's not dangeros outside the body but very dangerous in as it can't get out.
- Used to check the thickness of paper and card
- Can be deflected by electric and magnetic feilds.
- Positivly charged, made up out of 2 protons and 2 neutrons
- Beta Radiation
- Can travel through paper but is stopped by sheets of metal
- Used to check is aluminuium foil is the right thickness and if cans of drink and cereal have been filled correctly
- Can be defelected by magnatic and electriacl fields
- highly charged electorns
- Gamma Radiation
- Cannot be deflected by electric and magnetic feilds.
- Part of the electromagnetic spectrum
- Used to treat cancers
- Stopped by thick sheets of concrete
- Most dangerous outside the body as can pass through skin and bone
- Used in sterlilising food and nuclear weapons.
- Background radiation
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