- Created by: ferdat
- Created on: 09-10-18 11:38
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- R Pluralism & Theology
- Definition
- Exclusivism
- Other religions can't lead you to salvation
- Only Christianity
- Baptism, giving up old life (Bonhoeffer)
- Inclusivism
- Other possible routes to salvation
- Saved by Christ
- Other possible routes to salvation
- Pluralism
- More routes to salvation
- Exclusivism
- Exclusivism
- Narrow
- Certain denominations achieve salvation
- Aug (c4) Calvin (c16)
- God's grace = elect/heaven
- D'Costa
- Restrictive - Access Exclusivism
- Broad
- All who accept Christ will be saved
- D'Costa
- Universal - Access Exclusivism
- Salvation can occur after death - purgatory
- Christ died for everyone, the route to heaven is open to all that accept him
- "God our saviour desires everyone to be saved & come to the knowledge of the truth"
- Christ died for everyone, the route to heaven is open to all that accept him
- Kraemer -N
- The christian message in a non-christian world (book)
- For anyone to be christian must convert first.
- The christian message in a non-christian world (book)
- Barth
- People can't know God through their own efforts - he reveals himself through Jesus, Bible & Church
- Don't be led by political correctness / fear of offending others
- Make it clear to non-christians they're wrong.
- Missionary work/evangelizing others is a duty - not ignorance
- Catholic Church
- Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus - no salvation out of church
- Attitudes changed after Vatican2 evaluated council ideas
- Positive response to other denominations & faiths.
- Strict focus on CHRIST
- Positive response to other denominations & faiths.
- Narrow
- Inclusivism
- 'Middle path' - Christianity is unique & founded through Jesus. - LINK TO ANDY BANISTER
- Rahner
- Not everyone has heard the words of Christ
- Moses
- But once they hear it they must become christian to be saved.
- Lumen Gentium: Through no fault of their own, do not know the gospel...who seek God...with a sincere heart... may achieve eternal salvation"
- Criticism!
- Kraemer
- Any other religion is misguided to attempt the truth & were cultural constructs to the revelation
- Rahner
- Rahner
- Any other religion is misguided to attempt the truth & were cultural constructs to the revelation
- Kraemer
- Not everyone has heard the words of Christ
- Balthasar
- Opposed 'anonymous Christian' - church = no hiding/dilute
- It will make Non-christians strong, Christianity should show it's the only route to salvation.
- Pluralism
- Hick
- Elephant Analogy
- 3Blind ppl, felt differnt parts of elephant & felt diff things. = diff beliefs/practises arise from the difefrence in human nature = superficial.
- Christianity = absolute & final route to God.
- Christianity is a bigger cycle & religions are human constructs - something bigger.
- Elephant Analogy
- Panikkar
- Openness rather than making claims to know the truth
- Finding identity in all faiths
- "I left Europe a Christian, I discovered I was a Hindu and returned a Buddhist without ever having ceased to be Christian"
- Finding identity in all faiths
- Openness rather than making claims to know the truth
- Hick
- Definition