Queen Mindmap
- Created by: Jaibai2015
- Created on: 14-03-22 12:42
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- Queen
- Melody
- Sylllabic. Vocal line
- Return of a similar melodic motif through many sections
- guitar solo development of verse 1vocal melody
- Vocables used
- E.g. bar 9
- Word painting used
- “Laser beam” - tech used distorting vocals
- Tonality + Harmony
- Eb Major awkward fir guitar
- modulates frequently
- bar 18 goes to D Minor
- Chorus. In dominant Bb Major
- circle of fifths used
- e.g. bar 20
- uses harmonic sequences
- inversions used
- creates Scalic movement in bass
- Metre
- The time signature is 12 8.
- It can. Also be interpreted as 4 4 with swung quavers
- The time signature is 12 8.
- Rythmn/metre
- Lots of syncopation used
- Syncopated motif used bar22-3/
- Fast tempo throughout
- Use of single 6 8 bars to throw listener off
- Lots of syncopation used
- Texture
- The texture is frequently changing
- The opening is homophonic.
- From the 2nd phrase of 2nd verse increase of polyphony.
- panning creates antiphonal feel
- e.g. bars 42-3
- Vocal parts high to prevent overcrowding
- The texture is frequently changing
- Instrumentation
- Vocals
- Jangle pano - out of tune piano
- Bass guitar
- Electric guitar
- pull-offs
- when a note is sounded by plucking the string w fretting hand
- string-bends
- slides
- vibrato
- pull-offs
- Drum kit
- Piano
- Use of technology
- flanger
- creates a swooshing sound
- overdubbing
- E.g. bar 15
- panning
- e.g. 55-61
- helps to separate sounds
- creates antiphonal effects
- wah- wah
- e.g. Bar 62
- distortion
- creates a 'creamy' effect
- reverb
- Creates a sense of space
- vamps
- flanger
- Structure
- Strophic structure
- Weird 2nd chorus is only 5 bars long
- Means verses and chorus before middle 8
- Strophic structure
- Dynamics
- No written dynamics
- Multiple guitars create dynamics
- Hocketing bar 55
- Melody
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