Purposive Approach and Ejusdem Generis
- Created by: katieswaytohappy
- Created on: 02-12-16 10:50
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- Purposive Approach and Ejusdem Generis
- Ejusdem Generis
- General words which follow a list are taken to include on things of the same kind
- Must be at least two specific words
- Powell v Kempton Racecourse
- An acct stated that gambling was not allowed in any 'house, office room or other place for betting'
- Powell was outside, therefore was not guilty - court considered these general words 'other place for betting
- An acct stated that gambling was not allowed in any 'house, office room or other place for betting'
- General words which follow a list are taken to include on things of the same kind
- Purposive Approach
- The purposive approach allows judges to examine the purpose or intention of parliament when passing the act and to interpret doubtful phrases in according with that purpose
- R (Quintavelle) v Secretary of State
- Human embryology and fertilisation act 1990 controls experimentation with human reproduction
- They were unclear as to whether cloning was covered by the act
- Cloning was included
- They were unclear as to whether cloning was covered by the act
- Human embryology and fertilisation act 1990 controls experimentation with human reproduction
- Ejusdem Generis