- Created by: Kristina_
- Created on: 23-04-20 15:11
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- Post-traumatic stress disorder
- Character-istics
- Extreme response to stressor (traumatic experience)
- Usually co-morbid with other conditions
- Acute stress Disorder has similar symptoms but more immediate and of shorter durations
- Aetiology of PTSD
- Diathesis stress model
- 2 factor conditioning theory
- Stage 1 - Classical conditioning of emotional response and association to related stimuli
- Stage 2 - Operant conditioning of avoidance/ escape response
- Common factors with anxiety disorder
- Genetic vulnerabilities
- Increased amygdala activation
- Diminished activation of regions of medial prefrontal cortex
- Treatment
- Medications
- SSRIs and SNRIs
- Relapse common if medication is stopped
- Exposure treatment
- Focus on memories and reminders of trauma
- 8-15 90 minute sessions
- Goal is to extinguish fear response and challenge negative beliegs
- Medications
- Character-istics
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