- Created by: lw121x
- Created on: 10-12-15 20:30
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- Psychopathology
- we learn a lot about systems in the brain via things that go wrong, want to know how works break it put it back
- Demonology- full of demons must get out
- Somatogenesis treat underlying illness ie. infection
- General Paresis 1800's decline psy + pys functioning + delusions die soon
- Somatogenic hypothesis LT syphilis infection causes imflammation minengiees of brain = treatments
- Kraeplin + classification biological + genetic, cluster symptoms = syndrome. Common pattern.
- first categories (manic dep) Dementia Praexoz (SZ)
- General Paresis 1800's decline psy + pys functioning + delusions die soon
- Modern concepts ; pharmaceuticals
- 1. demonlogy, somogenisis, demon, early mental, psychogenesis, modern
- photogenisis- symptoms arise psychologically
- hysterical paralysis hypnosis move limb, iceberf
- Diathesis stress model
- rarely one, diathesis + stressors
- Biopsychological model multi causal ; learning genetics + social support
- medical neglect social disorders a lot
- Classification systems
- DSM/ American, ICD world
- DSM V, mental. - behavioural or psy. Casuses of stress in life, not explained by circ, cultural differences- culture specific
- focuses consequences not causes
- DSM IV - patient accessed 1. clinical, 2. personality, 3. general med cond, psychosocial environmental 5 global assessment how well coping
- labelling = prejudged?. Culturally and temporally bound
- Mood disorders
- Major depression ; long time, mot bereazvement. 7-12% men 20-25% wmen.
- Cognitive theory beck
- Dysthymia; chronic, LT. Think part character/ 2 years, persistent. No manic
- Biological;
- family studies need separation twins
- Norephinephines, dopamine serotonin (SRRI's stop sucked up)
- why not immediate?
- Increased activation limbic system goes normal after SSRIS
- learned helplessness, animal pain cant escape learns to feel normal. Lower wall won't escape learned to be helples
- other
- negative schema set irrational beliefs beck
- Rumination Nolen Hoeksema going over neg thoughts
- explanatory style; negative explanation of world beck
- Major depression ; long time, mot bereazvement. 7-12% men 20-25% wmen.
- Bipolar disorder 3 or more persisted; inflated self esteem, talkative....
- 20% suicide men succeed more attempt less
- psychotic episodes
- Biological? 60% concordance rate twins DNA 12% fraternal
- Serotonin dopamine
- increased volume/ activity in amygdala attached long tail like structure near hippocampus
- Anxiety
- ptsd, specific phobia, social anxiety, ocd, gad
- physical high BP etc
- cog: hyper vigilance + automatic thoughts of anxiety, affective fright Behavioural escape/ defense
- GAD, anxiety most days 6 mnths fatigue 5%
- overestimate threat
- heritability
- less GABA = less avalibility to inhibit frontal lobe activity
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