Psychometrics within the Definition of Psychology
- Created by: ---OR----
- Created on: 02-03-21 12:07
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- Psychometrics within the Definition of Psychology
- Psychology as a "pseudoscience"
- Psycholmetrics are often not used by experts i.e online dating, recruitment agencies etc
- Issues with Social Desirability and Over/Underreporting
- Answers can be manipulated
- Biased towards the WERID population
- The Bell Curve
- subjective interpretation of the person writing the psychometrics
- Cultural Bias
- Measured Quantitatively
- Pathological science, used to measure complex human attributes
- Should these really be measured quantitively?
- Reductionism
- Should these really be measured quantitively?
- Links to Psychology as a Science
- Only measures conscious beliefs
- Implicit Association tests have now been developed to gauge subsconious beliefs
- Only measures conscious beliefs
- Pathological science, used to measure complex human attributes
- This means there are multiple Applications fields in psychology
- Can be used in identifying mental health issues i.e Becks Depression Inventory
- Used in recruitment, applications to occupational psychology
- Can help psychologists further distinguish certain complex constructs
- Breaks down big complex constructs into simpler items
- Reductionism
- Breaks down big complex constructs into simpler items
- Reliability and Validity
- Can be measured and scrutinised (cronbach's aplha)
- Some Error can be accounted for though item choice, standardize administration and reliability checks
- issues measuring traits versus states which are unstable
- Used for both self-awarness (ipstative) and comparative (normative) measurement
- Self awareness may be different from the truth
- Using psychometrics to judge others
- May be differnet depdening on role and relationship with that person
- i.e i.e trait versus staete anxiety
- Self-report measures
- Takes away from traditional experimental psychology
- Wundt
- Takes away from traditional experimental psychology
- Can be used to measure both biological and socially based constructs
- Can we measure behaviour and physiology in the same way?
- Mind body Poblem
- Dualism
- Linked to philosophy and the early origins of psychology
- Dualism
- Psychology as a "pseudoscience"
- Measured Psychological Concepts such as cognition, knowledge and personality
- Differs from the traditional behaviourist/humanist experimental research
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