Psychology Unit 1: Social and cognitive psychology
- Created by: Christopher Melly
- Created on: 15-04-13 18:58
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- Psychology Unit 1: Social and cognitive psychology
- Social Approach
- Key issue of Football Violence
- Practical Test involving a survey obtaining both qualitative and quantitative data
- Methodology
- Obedience
- Milgram (1963)
- Meeus and raaijmakers (1985)
- Tajfel's Social identity theory
- Hofling et al (1966)
- Sherif (1961) The robbers cave experiment
- Milgrams agency theory
- Prejudice and discrimination
- Cognitive Approach
- Key Issue: How reliable is eyewitness testimony?
- Practical Test to devise and conduct an experiment within cognitive psychology
- Levels of processing theory of memory
- Cue-dependent theory of forgetting
- Methodology
- Godden and baddeley study of cue dependent forgetting
- Craik and tulving levels of processing framework
- Trace decay theory of forgetting
- Reconstructive memory - Bartlett
- Social Approach
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