Jung & The Archetypes
- Created by: Emily
- Created on: 11-05-13 12:23
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- Libido
- A flow of psychic energy that contains our basic drives
- Not just sexual!
- The personality depends on the libido
- A flow of psychic energy that contains our basic drives
- Jung
- Conscious & Unconscious Mind
- Personal Unconscious
- Collective Unconscious
- Common to all of us
- The Archetypes
- Structures in our psyche that generate uniform images
- Produced when combined with knowledge gained from experience
- Include: Persona, the Shadow, Animus & Anima
- The God Archetype: each of us is born with the tendency to generate religious images
- Images prouced by the archetypes are:
- NUMINOUS: awe inspiring
- INEFFABLE: produced by the subconscious - so we can never fully understand
- Therefore, they are religious experiences!
- Individuation is a process that allows us to achieve balance...
- ...between the conscious & unconscios
- ...between the archetypes
- It is governed by the SELF archetype
- The SELF produces balancing images such as mandala
- As well as images of GOD... Therefore, the images produced by the God archetype are the same as those produced by the Self archetype
- If religion is rejected, you cannot individuate successfully & neurosis is more likely
- Structures in our psyche that generate uniform images
- Libido
- A flow of psychic energy that contains our basic drives
- Not just sexual!
- The personality depends on the libido
- A flow of psychic energy that contains our basic drives
- All of us are born with the tendency to conceive similar images
- These images may be revealed in dreams
- Conscious & Unconscious Mind
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