Psychology 3 of 3
Sports Psychology Key Points 3 of 3
- Created by: Rebecca McNickle
- Created on: 07-06-14 12:28
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- Psychology
- Personality
- Trait Theory
- Extrovert
- Introvert
- Stable
- Neurotic
- Phychotism
- Social Learning
- Hollanders Structure of Personality
- 1.Psychological Core
- Permanent; Beliefs and values
- 2. Role-Related Behaviour
- Responses in certain situations
- 3. Social Enviroment
- Behaviour and Expectations of others effecting roles
- 1.Psychological Core
- Hollanders Structure of Personality
- Interactionist
- B= f(PE)
- Type A
- Rapid Pace
- High Stress Levels
- Easily Aroused
- Needs to be in control
- Accept Challenge
- Testing
- Problems
- Unreliable
- Desire to create favourable impression
- Lack of Objectivity
- Time consuming
- Questions cause confusion
- Problems
- Trait Theory
- Attitudes
- Triadic Model
- Cognitive~Knowledge
- e.g. finess training keeps me fit
- Affective~Feelings
- e.g. I enjoy training
- Behavioural
- e.g. I Go to the gym
- Cognitive~Knowledge
- Prejudice
- Reinforced steryeotypes
- Changing attitudes
- Persuasive Communication
- Cognitive dissonance
- Evaluation
- Observation-Related to event,Difficult to Quantify
- Questionnaires
- Physiological Tests e.g. Blood Pressure, measurable
- Triadic Model
- Attribution
- External Stable-TASK DIFFICULTY
- External Unstable- LUCK
- Internal Stable- ABILITY
- Internal Unstable- EFFORT
- Locus of Control -intensity of performers feelings
- Repeated Failure- Learned Helplessness (Internal atribution)
- Global/ Spesific
- Retraining= Internal -> External for failure raising efficacy
- Aggression/Assertion
- Hostile Aggression- Intent to harm with anger
- Assertion- No intent to harmwithin the rules
- Theories
- Instinct
- Social Learning
- Aggression Cue
- Frustration Aggression
- Causes
- Hostile Crowd
- Officiating Decisions
- Losing
- Excessive pressure to win
- Relaxation Techniques
- Remove aggressive players
- Control
- Punishment
- Reward Non agressive acts
- Personality
- Instrumental Aggression- Intent to harm with goal to win
- Aggression/Assertion
- Hostile Aggression- Intent to harm with anger
- Assertion- No intent to harmwithin the rules
- Theories
- Instinct
- Social Learning
- Aggression Cue
- Frustration Aggression
- Causes
- Hostile Crowd
- Officiating Decisions
- Losing
- Excessive pressure to win
- Relaxation Techniques
- Remove aggressive players
- Control
- Punishment
- Reward Non agressive acts
- Aggression/Assertion
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