Psychology as a Science
- Created by: niamhfoxe
- Created on: 29-03-17 10:28
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- Psychology as a Science
- Social
- Takes a holistic approach and so is less scientific.
- Migram's study was lab controlled setting and replicable
- Questionnaires and interviews are not scientific- subjective
- Social Desirability.
- Thematic Anaylsis- looks for themes
- Observable and measurable (eg. Milgram's 65%)
- Cognitive
- Lab, controlled experiments- more validity etc.
- Standardised procedures.
- Case studies are objective and have observer bias
- Qualitative data.
- Reductionism in memory buy separating memory stores.
- MSM is not measurable or testable.
- Most parts are not EMPIRICAL as you cannot see the processes.
- Central executive is not measurable.
- Reconstructive Memory- observable but not empirical.
- Lab, controlled experiments- more validity etc.
- Biological
- Most Scientific approach
- Brain Scans- reliable, controlled and consistent
- Brain scans can be subjective to the interpreter.
- Test hormone levels.
- Very reductionist approach
- Correlations cannot establish cause and effect.
- Evolution is Post-Hock because it is just an explanation to whats already there.
- Freud's ideas include few case studies and no science.
- Learning
- Lab experiments & standard procedures
- Measurable and observable- Empirical
- Eg. Bobo Doll- SLT
- Pavlov's dogs- classical conditioning
- Skinner's box- operant conditiong
- Qualitative and subjective
- Classical and Operant are reductionist
- Bandura's study was subjective to interpretation of observer.
- Not reductionist
- Clinical
- Scientific, medical approach- theories and observations
- Gottesman & Sheild is replicable
- Guardia et al.- lab experiment
- ISM &DSM- subjective, can be misinterpretated.
- Test and observe hormone levels
- Blind and Double blind trials
- Drug testing and treatments
- Criminal
- Reductionist- XYY gene, Hormones, Amygdala
- Ignores social factors
- Interviews are subjective
- Police and eye witness testimonies
- Case Studies- not replicable
- Lab Experiments
- Reductionist- XYY gene, Hormones, Amygdala
- Social
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