Psychology AQA Schizophrenia
- Created by: JayRK
- Created on: 05-01-21 14:29
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- Psychological Explanations of Schizophrenia
- Family Dysfunction
- Double Bind Theory
- Gregory Bateson (1956)
- Suggests that children whom receive contradictory messages from parents or guardians are more likely to develop schizophrenia
- Example: A mother tells a child she loves them, yet at the same time turns away in disgust, this sends conflicting messages which the child could not respond based on such contradictions
- Expressed Emotion
- Kuipers (1983)
- A family communication style in which members of a family talk about the patient in a critical or hostile manner or in a way which indicates emotional overinvolvement
- A patient returning to a family with high EE is four times more likely to relapse
- Suggesting that people with schizophrenia have a lower tolerance to intense environmental stimuli
- Family Relationships Evaluation: Suggests that the illness only manifests itself under appropriate environmental conditions, hence genetic vulnerability alone is not sufficient
- Individual differences to the amount of EE given or taken in
- Double Bind Evaluation: Gibney claims that the real value of double bind theory is that it has led to the development of family therapy
- Double Bind Theory
- Cognitive Explanations
- Delusions
- During the creation of delusions the patients interpretations of their experiences are controlled by inadequate information processing. A critical characteristic of delusions is the degree at which the individual perceives themselves.
- This manifests the patients tendency to relate irrelevant things to themselves
- Examples include:: Flashes of light being a signal from god, a muffled voice being someone criticising them etc.
- During the creation of delusions the patients interpretations of their experiences are controlled by inadequate information processing. A critical characteristic of delusions is the degree at which the individual perceives themselves.
- Hallucinations
- Hallucinating individuals focus excessive attention on auditory stimuli and so have a higher expectancy for the occurrence of a voice than normal individuals
- Aleman (2001)
- Suggests that hallucination prone individuals find it hard to distinguish between imagery and sensory based perception
- Supporting evidence of the cognitive model: Sarah and Wallin (2014)
- Support from the success of cognitive therapies from the use of CBTp treatments by NICE (2014), consistent evidence found in favour
- Delusions
- Family Dysfunction
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