Psychological therapies of Schizophrenia
- Created by: Robyn
- Created on: 05-02-14 11:37
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- Psychological therapies of Schizophrenia
- often combined with bio treatment
- supplement for between biological therapies
- avoid relapse
- psychodynamic therapy
- impossible to develop therpautic relationship
- with psychotic patients
- some symptoms= less susceptible to psychoanalytic technique
- disordered lang
- disordered communication
- impossible to develop therpautic relationship
- Social interventions
- use behavioural techniques
- social causes= social therapy
- Wing and Brown 1970
- compared female in-patients
- range of positive and negative symptoms
- range of behavioural ratings
- marked differences in negative symptoms
- women in stimulating wards
- social changes at less stimulating hospitals
- improvements in 1/3 of patients
- findings replicated (so supported) by a number of studies
- policy= institution= promote self-esteem and personal control
- compared female in-patients
- Milieu therapy
- used in institution
- include patients on decision making and ward management
- social learning programmes
- improving self-care routines
- conversational skills
- job-role skills
- can include token economy
- patients earn privileges
- conform to social norms
- rewards
- visit days
- have visitors
- tv rights
- criticised
- too controlling
- effective
- achieve independence
- social skills training
- modify or improve social behaviour
- behavioural techniques
- modelling
- reinforcement
- role-play
- helps acquire appropriate verbal and non-verbal skills
- Halford and Hays (1992)
- training programmes
- modules
- conversation skills
- asertion
- conflict management
- self-management
- time use
- survival skills
- employment skills
- commentary
- not genralisable to real life
- Birchwood and Spencer
- 1999
- genrally beneficial (SST)
- increased competence and assertiveness in social situations
- genrally beneficial (SST)
- intervention needs to be maintained
- Family intervention
- Expressed emotion= main problem in families
- inclusion and shared information
- develop a cooperative and trusting relationship in family
- provided info about...
- cause
- symptom
- course
- talk about experience of disorder
- provides with coping mechanisms
- constructive interaction taught
- concentrate on good not bad
- recognise relapse symptoms
- commentary
- compare high EE families
- random assignment to
- family intervention
- routine treatment
- control treatment
- support for family
- reduce relapse
- improve medication compliance
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