Psychological factors of depression
- Created by: Hannah Jeffery
- Created on: 22-04-15 17:07
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- Psychological explanations of depression
- Psychoanalytic theories
- unconscious forces and experiences during early childhood contribute to the development of depression in adult hood
- Freud's oral stage has the most contribution
- In this psychosexual stage infants develop towards maturity
- individuals needs which are not met by parents become fixated and are inclined to be independent on others
- Shah and waller
- men who had lost their fathers were more likely to score high on a scale of depression
- Shah and waller
- dependency personality makes them vulnerable to depression
- they spend much of their time trying to seek love and approval from others
- Bibring
- result of low self-esteem
- brought by harsh or critical parents
- child fails to live up to their unrealistic ego
- result of low self-esteem
- comer
- psychoanalytical therapies have not proved successful with depression
- reductionist and it ignores biological factors
- psychoanalytical therapies have not proved successful with depression
- behavioural theories
- lewinsohn
- due to a lack of positive reinforcement
- due to them avoiding social situations are coming of badly in social situations
- increased further by the depression as people distance themselves from depressed people
- lewinsohn
- cognitive-behavioural theories
- Becks theory of depression
- they feel the way they do because they have a negative interpretation of the world
- negative schema
- the negative schema is activated with they enter a new situation that resembles the situation where the schema was learnt
- Bates
- non-depressed participants became more depressed when given negative automatic statements
- they feel the way they do because they have a negative interpretation of the world
- Seligman
- learnt when a person tries to control unpleasant life experiences
- develop a feeling of no control over their life
- learned helplessness impairs their future performance in situations that can be controlled
- based on animals studies
- been supported by human studies
- Abramson develops the theory to consider a hopeless personality
- these please expect bad to happen not good and don't believe they have the resources to change a situation
- learnt when a person tries to control unpleasant life experiences
- Becks theory of depression
- sociocultural factors
- kendler
- life vents act as a trigger to those with a genetic vulnerability to depression
- females with recent negative life events and a genetic vulnerability were most at risk
- diathesis model
- social networks
- depressed individuals tend to report a lack of social contact
- Billings
- less able to handle negative events due to a lack of support
- Billings
- Joiner et al
- depressed people have difficulties with social skills eg eye contact and frequent fear of rejection
- cause and effect
- depressed people have difficulties with social skills eg eye contact and frequent fear of rejection
- are a lack of social skills a cause or an effect of depression
- depressed individuals tend to report a lack of social contact
- Brown and Harris
- aim to prove that depression followed major life events
- Studied women in Camberwell
- gender biased
- concluded two circumstances that increased risk to depression
- long term difficulties
- eg a long term difficult relationship
- existence of vulnerability factors
- eg three or more children under age of 14
- not working outside the home
- lack of a confiding relationship
- supports social network theory
- stress can be an effect as well as a cause
- long term difficulties
- kendler
- Psychoanalytic theories
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