- Created by: ambersayers
- Created on: 16-03-15 20:50
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- Media influences on social behaviour
- media influences on pro-social behaviour
- media influences on anti-social behaviour
- computers and video-games
- Media and persuasion
- Explaining the persuasive effects of media
- Persuasive of TV advertising
- The psychology of celebrity
- Attraction of celebrity
- Intense fandom
- Media influences on social behaviour
- Schizophrena
- Classification and diagnosis
- Clinical characteristic
- Reliability & Validity
- Therapies for schizo
- biological therapies
- Drugs
- pychological therapies
- Another therapy
- biological therapies
- Explanations of schizo
- Biological explanations
- Genetic factors
- Dopamine Hypothesis
- psychologicalexplanations
- psychological Theories
- socio-cultural factors
- Biological explanations
- Classification and diagnosis
- Research methods
- Scientific method
- science - the scientific method
- Validating new knowledge- peer review
- Designing investigations
- experiments observations,correlational analysis, self report techniques, case studies
- Reliability, Validity, sampling techniques
- Ethical issues
- Data analysis
- inferential tests, descriptive statistics, qualitative data.
- Scientific method
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